Mechanical Ventilation & Air-Conditioning System (MVAC)

VAV Air-Conditioning System

The Direct Digital Control Variable Air Volume (DDC VAV) system serviced by one air-handling unit (AHU) equipped on each floor with air ducts

Treated fresh air is provided from two centralized primary air-handling units

The air-conditioning system is designed to cater for an occupancy density of 9 square metres per person for typical office floor

Chilled Water Supply

The base building chiller plant comprises of two 400TR chillers located at R/F serving office floors (6/F to 29/F), one 100TR chiller at UR/F with generator backup for night mode operation for office floors (6/F to 29/F), two 170TR chillers at 5/F mechanical floor serving low zone (B/F to 5/F)

24-hour chilled water supply for office floors with one 100RT air cooled chiller at UR/F with generator back up

All chillers utilize environmentally friendly R407c refrigerant

Cooling Capacity

Cooling capacity designed to a combined lighting and office equipment load of 55 watts per square metre on each office floor